Citizenship by Investment is the granting of citizenship status to an individual (and immediate family members) contingent upon a specified and quantifiable investment in the country.

The USA, Canada, Australia, Austria, Switzerland and Great Britain are among the countries, which offer residency and a fast-track to citizenship to wealthy individuals for investment in their country.

However some of these other programs offered in the UK or Canada can prove to be time consuming and more expensive while essentially delivering the same benefits that can be provided by Antigua and Barbuda. Once you obtain citizenship by investment in most of these countries you are then folded into the country’s taxation system. With the Antigua and Barbuda Citizenship by Investment Program, citizens may only be taxed on income and wealth derived and earned within the state of Antigua and Barbuda.

The Antigua and Barbuda Citizenship by Investment program provides applicants with the ability to obtain citizenship while having the opportunity to invest into the development of our beautiful twin island state. A state where there is no death taxes, estate taxes or capital gains taxes.


The benefits of dual or multiple citizenship range from ease of movement where there is political strife in one’s own country and investment planning and personal security.  

  • Convenience: High net worth citizens of some countries spend considerable amounts of time obtaining visas from other countries. In addition to the time involved in the process, and the uncertainty, is the fact that some countries only offer single entry visas. Where travel may be required on short notice, access to another passport may be crucial such as in the case of civil unrest. Additionally, a second passport may afford the holder visa-free travel to jurisdictions not available to his or her country of birth.

  • Personal Security: Citizenship and a passport from a small peaceful country is considered by some as a form of protection when traveling, particularly in times of political unrest, civil war, terrorism or other delicate situations. Many international business executives consider an alternative passport as the best life insurance.

  • Investment in the Future: In a dynamic political and economic environment, acquiring a second citizenship may be considered an investment for the future and in many instances, there is no need to give up one’s present nationality while one, along with his family, enjoys the benefits of a legal second passport.