The Citizenship by Investment Act of Antigua and Barbuda is clear that certain applicants may not qualify for citizenship under the Act and would be ineligible if:

  • The applicant provides false information on his/her application forms;

  • Not having received a free pardon, has at any time previously been convicted in any country of an offence for which the maximum custodial penalty is in excess of 6 months imprisonment;

  • Is the subject of a criminal investigation;

  • Is a potential National Security risk to Antigua and Barbuda or any other country;

  • Is involved in any activity likely to cause disrepute to Antigua and Barbuda or:

  • Has been denied a visa to a country with which Antigua and Barbuda has visa-free travel and who has not subsequently obtained a visa to the country that issued the denial.


Effective 11th December, 2014

The Cabinet of Antigua and Barbuda decided that the Antigua and Barbuda Citizenship by Investment Program will not accept applications from nationals of the following countries:

Effective the 1st August, 2017

The cabinet of Antigua and Barbuda made a further amendment where, as an exception, individuals born in these restricted countries but who migrated before the age of majority and/or have maintained permanent residence in Canada, the United States of America, the United Kingdom, Australia, New Zealand, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates for a period of not less than 10 years and maintain no economic ties to any of the named restricted countries may apply for citizenship providing that their status as lawful residents is established. Additionally, all such applicants are required to fully comply with the Program’s due diligence requirements.

Effective 1st April, 2020 Iraq is no longer a part of the Restricted Countries List

  • Afghanistan

  • Iran

  • North Korea

  • Somalia

  • Yemen

  • Sudan (added February 2017)

Effective 1st April, 2020

The  removal  of  the  requirement for  persons  born in countries on the Restricted Countries List to be lawful permanent residents  of the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom, Australia, New Zealand, Saudi Arabia and the  United  Arab  Emirates only. As such, applicants residing in any country, except for those on the Restricted Countries List, may apply to the programme. All other stipulations remain unchanged.

Effective 1st April, 2020

An exploration of the feasibility of the CIU receiving applications from stateless persons, in particular persons originating out of Brunei, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait and the United Arab Emirates, in the first instance. This list is subject to review and may be expanded or amended as necessary.

Effective the 28th July, 2022

The Government of Antigua and Barbuda advised that processing of applications from Russian and Belarusian nationals under the Citizenship by Investment Programme has been suspended. Additionally, as the ability to conduct investigations in Ukraine remains constrained, until otherwise advised, the Unit remains unable to process applications from Ukrainian nationals.